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Are You an Entrepreneur—10 Ways to Know

Did you wake up this morning thinking about what you could do today to help you reach your goals? Or, did you wake up content on going to the same 9-5 job where you work for someone else and wait on retirement? Being an entrepreneur requires an ambitious mindset, one that does not allow you to settle. There is a good chance you should be harnessing your ambition to become your own boss. You might be an entrepreneur if you possess the following qualities.

Leader Instincts

Have you always been the team leader? When you were growing up, did you find yourself the person everyone looked to in class or on a team? It could be that you have an innate ability to lead. Those around you are confident you can lead them to success.

Discovering More

You want to know more and explore the answers you are given. Some may take what they are told and rely solely on that information, but you keep going, digging deeper and pulling back layers of information. Understanding the different levels of an idea is important to you.

Around the Clock Thinking

Your thought process does not turn off unless you are sleeping. And, maybe even then, you are dreaming about ideas and business process. You are constantly creating and developing concepts around the clock, and the notion of clocking out of work does not register with you. You are mentally clocked in throughout your whole day.

Task Obsession

You refuse to stop once you have started a project. Perfection is attainable in your eyes, and you will not stop until you have reached it. You break apart all aspects of your projects, trying to fully understand the components so you can create the most efficient process.

Big Name Motivation

Star power does not intimidate or awe you. On the contrary, you use the respect and curiosity you have for them to ignite your own fire to learn more and reach for your goals. When you see big names performing at their best, it only motivates you to reach their level of success.

Influenced by Success

The success of others inspires you and makes you want to achieve it as well. Jealousy is not a part of your vocabulary. Success is contagious and you are attracted to it, so you surround yourself with accomplished people.

We are One Mentality

Your employees and everyone you work with are a team. No one is beneath you. Everyone works together in their own capacity to lend their talents to the team. Therefore, you believe everyone is important and you appreciate them.

Pseudo Business Owner

You are constantly assessing other businesses. You think about how you would run them, and you give credit where credit is due when you come across companies that run smoothly and effectively. You learn from what they are doing correctly and what they could work on more.

Business in Your Blood

You have always been attracted to having your own business starting from a young age. Whether you started your own lemonade stand or you set up a gallery for your childhood artwork, you felt the adrenaline of making your own money. Even though it may have been a small amount of money, you never forgot it. That rush of success has been driving you ever since.

Never Work a Day in Your Life

You enjoy what you do and look forward to it each day. It is not work to you. You are excited about what you are producing, offering, inventing, whatever it is your business does. You are proud of what you do. Being an entrepreneur can allow you the chance to truly be passionate about your income source because the opportunity is being delivered through the ownership of your own business.

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I used to have a big problem finding suitable space in the midtown and downtown area to have discreet meetings with clients. I recently discovered the Tucker Collective, and it will now be my office away from my office for which to hold a meeting. Don't go looking for a coffee shop for your next meeting, check out the Tucker Collective.
Joseph Crone, Attorney
I used to have a big problem finding suitable space in the midtown and downtown area to have discreet meetings with clients. I recently discovered the Tucker Collective, and it will now be my office away from my office for which to hold a meeting. Don't go looking for a coffee shop for your next meeting, check out the Tucker Collective.
Joseph Crone, Attorney
I used to have a big problem finding suitable space in the midtown and downtown area to have discreet meetings with clients. I recently discovered the Tucker Collective, and it will now be my office away from my office for which to hold a meeting. Don't go looking for a coffee shop for your next meeting, check out the Tucker Collective.
Joseph Crone, Attorney
I used to have a big problem finding suitable space in the midtown and downtown area to have discreet meetings with clients. I recently discovered the Tucker Collective, and it will now be my office away from my office for which to hold a meeting. Don't go looking for a coffee shop for your next meeting, check out the Tucker Collective.
Joseph Crone, Attorney