How To Move Fear To Action

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Seized By Fear? Here’s How To Move That Fear Into Action

While you may think that fear is a negative emotion to deal with, it can actually act as a great motivator. The fear of failing or being unsuccessful is often enough to drive us to work hard and persist until we achieve our goals. If you are currently dealing with emotions of fear, we’ve got some tips and tricks to move that fear into action because even when you are scared, it’s important to remember that there is no more sure way to fail than to never try.

Acknowledge And Accept

Don’t be ashamed that you are feeling scared, whether it’s about a job interview or a big presentation at work, it’s okay to feel scared. Acknowledge the fear and move to accept it. Tell yourself that it’s normal to feel fearful before certain decisions or actions and accept it. Also accept that the fear will not last forever as long as you take the fear and turn it into action. While you are acknowledging and accepting your fear it’s important to take some time to realize that often, fear lives in our head and is not rational. Fear tries to hold us back by clouding our minds with irrational thoughts and outcomes. When we accept and acknowledge that, we can move on into action.

Be Positive

Along your journey of turning fear into action, you need to stay positive. Don’t let the negative thoughts of fear telling yourself that you will never achieve this goal get to you. Those thoughts are bound to happen but it’s up to you to push them away and silence them with positive thoughts. For every negative thought that comes into your mind, replace it immediately with a positive affirmation.

Face The Fear

In order to really turn the fear into positive action, you are going to need to face it head on. By doing that, you will surprise yourself with how strong, brave and powerful you are and you will see that the fear that was holding you back is actually nonsense and that you are much stronger than it.


Now is the time for you to decide and commit to changing that fear into action by making the required change.


This is a crucial step to make sure that you are in fact going to turn the energy from the fear into action by making a plan. Start planning out each detail of what you will have to do in order to make the change happen. Make sure your plan is done in steps so that you don’t feel overwhelmed by a big challenge but instead can approach it in steps. Checking off the steps on your plan of action will act as a motivator to keep you going until the goal is reached.

Visualize Your Goals

Once you’ve identified the fear, decided to face the fear, and made a plan to change the fear into action, a valuable tool is a visualization. Visualize your goals and how you feel once you’ve accomplished them. Visualize yourself kicking fear in the face and overcoming even your biggest fears and anxieties. Taking some time to visualize your goals will help you set your focus.

Take Action

Now it’s time to turn that fear into action! This can be done in steps by making sure that every day you are doing something to get you closer to the change you are trying to accomplish. By doing this daily, you’ll give yourself momentum and you will see that the task is completely accomplishable.

Complete The Goal

It’s extremely important that once you have that energy from the fear motivating you that you see it through until the end and accomplish what you have set out to do. Once you’ve worked through the fear and hit your goal, you will experience an energy rush that feels amazing and you will be extremely proud of yourself and ready to tackle the next obstacle.

Go Conquer Fear And Win

On your way to turning fear into action, don’t forget to celebrate your small successes along the way. This will keep you motivated and feeling accomplished. It’s also a good idea to take some time to review and reflect as you check off the steps to make sure you are on task and your method for change is still working. Everybody feels fear, but it’s how we respond to the fear that sets us apart from the rest of the crowd. Follow these steps and we think you will learn that fear can be one of the greatest motivators to accomplish your goals and challenges!

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Joseph Crone, Attorney