Three tips for improving your body language in the office

How To Improve Your Body Language
When people communicate, the words they use and their tone of voice are both extremely important. Yet, what most people don’t realize is that the way they communicate the most is through body language. In fact, 93% of communication is done through body language, but most people don’t even consider the messages they’re sending through their looks, their gestures, and the way that they hold themselves. People are often held back in the office due to their body language. When top-performing employees find that they aren’t progressing as they should be, they don’t even consider the fact that their typical body language may be the culprit.
Your body language says a lot and can often send a message that you don’t want to send. In the workplace, this can cause a ton of problems for you, affecting your work relationship with your co-workers, your success with clients, and your potential promotions.
It’s essential that you learn how to improve your body language in the office, in order to ensure that you are able to send the appropriate message and help yourself find success in all aspects of your job.
Improving your body language means mentally committing to be aware of your physical behaviors and intentionally seeking to do differently. It can be hard to make the necessary changes, yet by following these three tricks, you can make it happen.
Build Rapport
Building rapport is essential in all forms of relationships, including business. In the office, it’s how you make connections with co-workers, bosses, clients, and interviewees. Successfully building rapport requires certain types of body language that shows the other person that they have your attention and you want to know them.
One way to use your body language to build rapport is by pointing your feet. Human beings subconsciously point their feet in the directions they want to go. That means that if your feet are pointing away from someone, you’re actually showing them that you don’t want to be around them. By intentionally pointing your feet towards the other person, you are showing them that you are engaged in your conversation and want to speak with them more.
Another thing that you can do is mirror the other person’s body language. This helps to show them that you like their company and you are getting along well with them.
Be Assertive
Sometimes in business, you really need to show people that you have strong feelings or opinions about something. This could actually be a make-or-break aspect of getting a promotion or signing a client. You need to be strong in your knowledge and convictions in business in order to be taken seriously. This requires assertive body language that shows others you know what you’re talking about.
Show your confidence by taking up space with your body. Spread your arms when you’re talking, have a wide stance when you’re standing. Do your best to take up the space around you and show people that you are firm and confident.
Be Calming
Business can require negotiation or even intense and stressful situations. During these situations, it’s important to develop a peaceful, calm atmosphere. This is partially done by using body language that connotes calming. To accomplish this, make sure you are standing loose, with your arms hanging down at your sides. Whatever you do, don’t cross them. Crossed arms create tension.
Practice slow, calm breathing to help yourself chill out and bring peace to the environment that you’re in.
By using these body language tricks, you can have the peace of mind that you’re sending the right messages when you’re at work. This will create a great work environment, help you to receive the positive feedback that you need, and will help you gain conversions.