The Cost Of Losing People

How many "Friends" Do you have?
When you add up everyone that is listed as one of your friends on your different social media profiles - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok - you could have tens of thousands of people that you supposedly know. For a simple equation, let’s pretend you have 10,000 of these “friends” and you reach out to just one of them a day. It would take you 27 years to come full circle.
Can you really say all these people are your friends? Look through your listed friends on these sites and pick out those you actually know and interact with regularly, like old friends and your relatives. It’s likely the rest are people you may have interacted with online once or maybe they’re the people you worked with ten years ago. But how often do you really interact now for more than a “like?”
How It Used to Be
It used to be that people could simply lose touch. It wasn’t that long ago that you’d meet someone somewhere - maybe a plane, a conference, a restaurant. If there wasn’t a connection, that was all there was to your interaction with that person. However, today we are so globally connected in so many formats that even the smallest real-world interaction can lead to an uptick in followers and a new “friend.” The people that would have been a passing ship in the night are crew members on board with us.
This isn’t just an annoyance sometimes. It can quickly become overwhelming in its volume.
The Problem with Social Media Friend Fatigue
Are you feeling anxious yet?
If you are, you need to adopt the following sentence as your mantra: it is okay to lose touch with people.
As you learn about your online contacts, if you find yourself dreading their comments on your posts or messages they send, it’s okay to disconnect and lose touch. If you are sick of seeing their endless stream of political rants, it’s okay to move on and lose touch. If you simply want to weed out the acquaintances you have so you only see your real-life friends and family on your feeds, go ahead and lose touch!
There’s a real possibility of losing out on the real connections in your life because so much time is spent keeping up with the artificial ones. There are some people in your life that have been there in the past, are there currently and will be there hopefully for many years to come. The team at HOLSTEE says “Life comes down to the people you meet and the things you create together.” By collecting and hoarding your relationships online, you lose out on the feeling of meaning behind your real relationships.